24 Days of Giveaways - Day 17 Stems Gift Card
“Despite the forecast, live like it’s SPRING”, Lilly Pulitzer
Ah, the life of a gardener is all about renewal. Always looking forward with energy to put into the next growing season. Optimism comes easy to those who rely on growing from seed, as we require the cooperation of the sun, and the rain like no other person does. As I age, I am reminded that having to “deal with” winter; being forced to slow down a little, and take stock of the past season only heightens my sense of anticipation for the spring. As we move into the winter of 2020 I’m sure I can speak for everyone in saying that the spring can’t come fast enough!
So if you’re needing a break from the mundane, sifting through our seed shop and planning your perfect 2021 garden will work perfectly. Moving from variety to variety, colour to colour and plotting where each of these beauties will grow up in your own garden can be an all consuming task. There are so many unique shapes and tones to incorporate into your finished plot.
Is there a thing of having too many to choose from? Spring is officially 93 days away, but we can live like it’s spring.
To make the days move along faster, we are giving a $75 Gift Card as our Day Twenty gift in our Twenty Four Days of Giveaways. A simple gift that opens the world that we have on our website. The combinations of flowers and vegetables are endless and the garden you can produce will be uniquely you. And if your thumb is only pale green we have plants and Instant Gardens that you can simply transplant in the spring, easy peesy.
And what a memorable gift this would make for any gardener.
For a chance to win leave a comment below. In your message share what spring means to you, or how getting back in the garden makes you feel, anything really, as long as it's meant to pick people up. EASY. This giveaway is open to anyone with a Canadian shipping address. Contest is open December 17th for 24 hours. Closes December 17th at midnight PT.
Of course, if you know someone who can’t wait to get back into the garden, please share!
Learn more and see all the gifts at Stems Flower Farm
Instagram: stemsflowerfarm
Website: Stems Flower Farm
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