24 Days of Giveaways - Day 19 Instant Cutting Garden
When people visit the farm, they are in awe of row upon row of lusciousness. A rainbow symphony waving in the breeze, and what you can’t see in our videos is that your nose is just as much in heaven as your eyes are.
Well the truth is, it doesn’t come easy some days. It has taken years of learning, trying and growing. We start 40,000+ seedlings every spring in our propagation house, along with tens of thousands of dahlias and hundreds of bed feet of direct seeding. With that knowledge and practice it should look amazing.
For those who strive to have great looking gardens, but just need a little help getting started, consider your problem solved! Imagine what your summer will be like if you had a curated Instant Garden Package to kickstart your awesomeness.
Instant Gardens are ready-to-plant flower or vegetable gardens for those who would love to have the look of a professional garden. Your flower garden is designed to provide cut flowers for either bouquet or garden enjoyment. And there are two sizes of vegetable gardens for those who love all veggies.
Day Nineteen of our Twenty-Four Days of Giveaways is an Instant Flower Garden. We are giving away a voucher for a Traditional Cutting Garden, which can be picked up here at the farm, or delivered right to your doorstep if you live in the GTA/Simcoe County area. Thirty six ready to plant flowers from Cosmos and Snapdragons to Lisianthus and Zinnias, you’ll even get a dahlia tuber and a few packets of seeds to direct sow. Check out our Instant Gardens for all the details.
For a chance to win leave a comment below. In your message share how you make your garden look great, or tips for non gardeners, anything really, as long as it's meant to pick people up. EASY. This giveaway is open to anyone with a Canadian shipping address. Contest is open December 19th for 24 hours. Closes December 19th at midnight PT.
Of course, if you know someone who can’t wait to get back into the garden, please share!
Learn more and see how you can give an Instant Garden as a gift at Stems Flower Farm
Instagram: stemsflowerfarm
Website: Stems Flower Farm
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