24 Days of Giveaways - Day 9 Stems Gift Card
Maya Angelou once said,” I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Can you imagine building your garden from a selection of over 900 Flower seeds? Or maybe spending an hour with snips in your hand choosing which of the thousands of blooms you will take home today? Or experiencing Cinnamon Iced Honey for the first time? These are only a few of the ways your friends will remember you if you reward them with the ability to step outside of all the crazy going on around them and give them a gift card to Stems Flower Farm this holiday season.
Your gift opens up the entire garden at Stems for you, whether it’s time in the Cutting Garden, beautiful hand tied bouquets, fresh from the field farm stand produce, or the most amazing sourdough bread we can find. And don’t forget our boutique seed shop with Specialty Flower and Vegetable Seeds.
The best part is your friends will remember how they feel for a very long time.
To celebrate Day Ten of Twenty-Four Days of Giveaways and new memories, we are giving away a $50 gift card for anything you want here at Stems Flower Farm. That’s right, the gift you give can be any experience or product we offer at Stems and that includes ones you can taste, and the ones you can plant, too!
For a chance to win leave a comment below. In your message share what your favourite gardening gift ever was, or tell us what your ultimate gardening gift would be, anything really, as long as it's meant to pick people up. EASY. This giveaway is open to anyone with a Canadian shipping address. Contest is open December 9th for 24 hours. Closes December 9th at midnight PT.
Of course, if you know someone who needs some inspiration this holiday season, please share!
This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to Mel!
Learn more and see all the gifts at Stems Flower Farm
Instagram: stemsflowerfarm
Website: Stems Flower Farm
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