Orach - Red Plume



Cherry red foliage, also known as orach (orache).  This easy to grow plants provide an interesting, textural element to design work. As a bonus, young leaves are edible.

Growing and Harvest Information

Plant Type: Annual

Height: 150 cm (60")

Sun: Full Sun

Sow: Indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost, or directly into prepared beds after the last frost.

Transplant: Harden off and transplant once the soil can be worked in the spring

Days to Maturity: 75-110

Plant Spacing: 25-30cm (9-12")

Pinch: Yes, when 8-12" tall

Vase Life: 14 days

Potential Harvest Yield: 8-12 stems per plant

Harvest Tips: Harvest in the foliage stage or once seeds have formed. For foliage, dip stems in boiling water for 7-10 seconds. Seeded stems require no special treatment and can be hung upside down to dry.

Approximate Seeds per Packet: 100

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