April 10, 2021 Update
Our small family farm and team has been working hard to ship things as fast as we can, so you can jump into the 2021 season. Shipping times are currently one week from the time of placing an order.
Wishlist This feature enables you to plan your garden by placing items in your Wishlist. Be sure to log in or create an account to keep and edit your choices. When you have the perfect garden, simply hit the “Add to Cart” button and one packet of each of your amazing choice blooms will move to the cart.
Out of Stock Notification If you find something you want is temporarily out of stock, consider signing up for an email notification right from that product’s page. This way you will be notified via email when stock becomes available.
Shipping of Dahlia tubers will begin no sooner than April 19th provided that the weather is suitable to ship our products. Please understand that with Canada Post delays, if we feel the temperature is too cold for our product to make it to your door successfully we will wait until the 7 day forecasted low temperatures can accommodate your shipment. This is not based on your local temperatures, but the entire journey that the package has to make to arrive at your door.
Combining seeds and Dahlia tubers for shipping. Yes, we can combine for shipping as long as you understand and agree that your seed order will ship with your dahlia tubers no sooner than April 19th.
We may have more tubers available in late April after we have fulfilled our farm tuber numbers we will release the remainder for sale.
We can’t thank you enough for your excitement, words of encouragement and support. It truly means the world to us. It is inspiring that so many of you are dreaming about flowers and vegetables for 2021.
Heidi, Kevin and the Kids