Poppy - Hens and Chicks


Growing and Harvest Information

Plant Type:  Annual

Height:  24-36"

Amount of Sun:  Full

Sow:  Poppies resent transplanting. Direct sow into the garden as soon as the soil can be worked in the spring; and after all danger of frost has passed.  If starting indoors, take extra care when transplanting out, not to disturb the roots too much. 

Transplant:  Not recommended

Days to Maturity:  80-90 days

Plant Spacing:  9-12"

Pinch:  Not necessary

Vase Life: 2-3 days

Potential Harvest Yield:

The flowers of this variety of poppy aren’t particularly long lasting.  Harvest when ½ open and sear the bottom end in boiling water for 7-10 seconds. Seed pods can be dried and used indefinitely.

Approximate Seeds per Packet: 100

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