

cerinthe pride of gebralter

Growing and Harvest Information

Plant Type: Annual

Height: 70-80cm (28-32")

Sun: Full Sun

Sow: Indoors 6 weeks before last frost or directly into prepared beds after the last frost. 

Transplant: Harden off and transplant after the last hard frost

Days to Maturity: 65-70 days

Plant Spacing: 30cm (12")

Pinch: Yes

Vase Life: 7-10 days 

Potential Harvest Yield: 7-10 stems per plant

Harvest Tips: Harvest once bracts darken to blue and flowers are purple and fully formed but before seeds start to form. Cut in the cool of the morning or late evening and sear ends with boiling water for 10 seconds and let rest in cooler for several hours.

Approximate Seeds per Packet: 25

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