Sea Holly - Blue Glitter



Growing and Harvest Information

Plant Type: Perennial

Height: 24-30"

Amount of Sun: Full

Sow:  Starting indoors recommended 10-16 weeks before the last frost.  Transplant into cell packs or 2-4" containers, 5-8 weeks after emergence.

Transplant:  Harden-off and transplant out after the last frost.

Days to Maturity:  365 days

Plant Spacing:  18-24"

Pinch: Not Necessary

Vase Life: Flowers persist 10-12 days;  foliage lasts only 5-8 days

Potential Harvest Yield: 3 stems/plant

For the longest vase life, harvest when the entire flower head and bracts turn blue.

Approximate Seeds per Packet: 10

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