
What is coming up in May of 2024.


Dahlia tuber SALE is Sunday May 5th starting at 6 PM Eastern!

You can sign up for our newsletter and get all the details of what's coming up delivered right to your inbox when we make any announcements.

Inventory updates of seed including flowers, herbs and veggies will happen when the seed is available.  We will continue to show the "coming soon" label on items that we intend to have available for the 2024 season.  The best way not to miss out on something, is to sign up for the "back in stock" notification which can be found on each product page.  This will email you when stock of this item is available, so you won't miss it. 

Our newsletter subscribers get first notice of the date and time.  In fact last year, we sold out without having to post on social media, so it's a great reason to be a newsletter subscriber!