Bearded Iris

Collection: Bearded Iris

Why add Bearded Irises to your garden?

If you like having a focal interest in your garden that combines the most amazing colours and form, then bearded Irises are perfect.  You won’t find many other flowers that combine nature’s palette like Irises, all while showing off their soft tissue like petals that resemble the classic Fleur-de-Lis symbol.  They are the epitome of elegance in any garden.

Sure the beauty will bring you in, but the fact they are low maintenance and easy to grow will make you an Iris lover for a long time.  Drought resistant and the ability to thrive in both hot and cold environments makes them  a great option for gardeners of all skill levels, whether you're a seasoned expert or a beginner.  

Your garden will look like you took it up a notch but only you will know how easy it was to grow.  For more reason why CLICK HERE.

A new collection of Tall Bearded Iris will be available for the fall of the 2025 growing season.

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