Frequently Asked Questions
How come I can't find a phone number and call you to ask a question?
Hey we get this all the time...fact is we are a rural farm and often have spotty cell coverage. Also most days when we can, you would find us in the field or processing orders so not being in front of our computer system means we most likely can’t offer more than a “could be” answer. We find it much more efficient to have emails waiting for us when we can have the info we need in front us while we return answers. If you really want to speak to a human just email us your phone number and we will call when we are in a position to answer you. Please don’t think we are trying to avoid you, just making the best of our time is all. The best way to communicate with us is through Support@stemsflowerfarm.ca
How much is shipping?
Our policy to subsidize the actual cost of shipping to your home. So as of January of 2023, the most you will pay is $13.55 for outside of Ontario. Shipping is an ever increasing cost of doing business here in Canada so we employ a variety of methods including Canada Post Expedited service, and a network of couriers nationwide. Whenever possible we prefer to ship to address instead of a Postal Box, so if you are able please include a home delivery address on your order.
Can I just drop by and see your beautiful flowers when I’m in the area?
I know it's tempting but please don't "just show up". We are a working farm and although we try to keep it looking nice and be available to answer questions we really prefer to not interrupt our workflow or that of our employees unexpectedly. Please imagine if it was your order being delayed by someone who just dropped by...We promise not to drop by your place of employment and look over your shoulder and ask questions too if that helps.
We do have a number of farm visit days where we let the public know they can come and get a tour of the place and those days are posted well in advance on our website. We also dedicate a number of days and evenings for group visits, like our local Horticultural Societies for instance, so if you are interested in this please send us an email.
Where is my seed order?
Our goal is to ship all orders in 3 to 4 business days after your order has been paid for. But let’s be clear here...we are a small family farm and sometimes the irregular volume of orders dictates that we fall behind in our goal. If it’s going to be a while, we will let you know. Our system will notify you when we have picked your order and started the shipping process. Placing an order on the day of an inventory update usually means shipping can be 10 to 12 business days away, but when we are caught up we will be back at 3 to 4 days.
We have also forged a new relationship with a number of courier companies, so if you have a street address other than a PO Box that a courier can deliver to, you should put that as the shipping address as in most cases its faster.
We are happy to have you pick up at our farm. We require 48 hours notice and an approximate time of your visit so we do not have packages sitting out in the sun longer than desirable. Also, if you have chosen this option because it's free even though you do not live in pick up distance we can always arrange for a freight only invoice to be sent to you. Please keep in mind that this process will delay your seeds by a few days.
When is the spring Dahlia Sale and when will my Dahlia order ship?
Over the course of the last four seasons we have concluded that it is best practice for us to store the tubers over winter and only post for sale tubers that look healthy and viable in early to mid April. That way you have the best odds of receiving a tuber that will grow well and produce as expected. You can place your favourite dahlia variety on your "wish list" and then simply click the button that will allow you to purchase your wish list when the products become available. This way you have a while to select the ones you want.
The timing of the shipments are at the discretion of Stems Flower Farm, based on temperature and whether we feel the package will be in jeopardy of freezing while in transit to you. We will communicate in advance of our expected shipping dates.
What if I am missing something from my order?
What can we say, it shouldn’t happen. We have a system of checks in our system to make sure every order is correct and not missing anything but if it should happen just let us know and we will fix it. Also if by some reason you get more than what you paid for let us know and we will send you a prize.
Do you ship internationally?
Due to changes in the regulatory environment, especially in the USA we no longer ship to any of the United States. In fact we made the decision not to entertain any orders from outside the country of Canada as of September 2019. We are a small boutique seed shop and the time and extra expense to comply with international orders got to be quite burdensome. Maybe one day we will return to shipping outside Canada but not soon.
Can I add to my order?
Once an order has been placed, but not shipped, you can add to an order simply by placing another order. Our system will automatically combine your new order with any existing orders still unfulfilled and immediately refund any shipping charges you have paid so that you are only paying for shipping once.
To subtract an item you can email us with your name and order number and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Do you charge sales tax?
We charge the prevailing provincial tax of origin of the order from within Canada. Please refer to your provincial tax schedule to determine what rate will apply.
Can I place my order by phone?
Unfortunately no. Our system is set up in such a way to also help make sure we have accurate stock for those placing orders. Inputting orders outside of our system becomes difficult for us to ensure our system and inventory integrity. So please have a look around the website and place items in your shopping cart. Then if you have an issue or a question please use one of the contact emails for some assistance.
The product I want is marked "Coming Jan/Feb", what does this mean?
Items on our website are marked “coming Jan/Feb” will be available around the end of January. While we would like to put an exact date to everything, sometimes we are able to release these seeds earlier, but using the "notify me when in stock" on each product page is the best way not to miss out on your favourite items, when we are low or out of stock but will be restocking this item.
Will products marked as "Sold Out" or "not available in 2023" be available again?
The simple answer is YES, in most cases we have simply sold all the seed we had for the current season. But we do intend to offer the seed when it becomes available again.
Where can I buy your flowers?
For 2023 we have focused on trialing a few new varieties to determine their viability as additions to our seed store. As a result we will not offer flowers for sale in 2023. But look forward to including the best of these in our seed offerings for 2024.
Do you have a catalogue?
We do not have a printed catalogue. Our philosophy going into this business was to remain as the best stewards of our environment as we can. We know many of you are used to buying this way but we are able to respond to so many business elements by keeping our business online only. If you can’t find it on our website please send us an email and we will see what we can do.. All of our seeds and supplies are featured and available exclusively online. We also offer a “wishlist” feature which allows you to “shop” or “circle your favourites”, just as you would with a catalogue. If you are a registered account holder (they're free) you can keep your wishlist live on our site. There is even a one click solution to move your wishlist over to a shopping cart if you wish to purchase your seeds.
Can I order wholesale seeds?
We are currently offer wholesale pricing for those who grow flowers for business. Our current model is based on volume. If you qualify as a professional grower please send us an email and we will send you an application package. It takes only a few minutes to fill out and send back. And we can have you set up the same day. We are unable to retroactively provide rebates for past purchases.
Do you offer organic seeds?
Please read carefully...while many of our seeds are in fact organic, we are still developing authorized paperwork that we can offer if you are a certified organic farm or grower. Until we have sorted out the correct paperwork we will always answer the question the same way. On pelleted products that we sell, our current supplier, due to proprietary concerns, is not able to give us the pelleting formula to determine if the coating will pass certified organic standards.
What is the best way to store my seeds?
Storing seeds is rather easy. Place them in a container that is rodent/bird/insect safe and place in a cool and dry place and your seeds will keep just fine for a year or two maybe even longer depending on the variety.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Shopify Pay. The most common reason for a credit card not working for a purchase is having a shipping address for your order that is different from the billing address on the card. Please ensure the two addresses are EXACTLY the same so the processing company can proceed with your order. You can also google CVV if you do not understand where to find the security code on your card.
What is your return policy?
This one is easy. Send us an email with your contact information and we will call you back with options. Depending on the issue options may change. You can also check out the Refund Policy page on homepage of the website.
Do you keep my credit card information on file?
No. In fact we use a third party processor through our web provider which means we don’t even see transaction details other than those listed on the Privacy Statement.
Is it safe to use my credit card or other payment option on your site?
Yes, we have entrusted a professional payment processing company to handle all transactions. You can view their Privacy Statement from the link in our Privacy Statement.
Password Problems?
If you're a returning customer trying to access your Stems Flower Farm account, and you have forgotten your password. Click on the "Forgot Password?" link and follow the steps to reset it. We can not reset your password from our end due to Privacy Laws, so if you really can’t remember simply open a new account.
I see a line for discount code at checkout, do have discounts?
From time to time we have promotions which employ discount codes. If you sign up for our email, or check our blog you may find current discounts that you can use against your purchase.
Can I start an order by placing items in my shopping cart and then come back to it?
If you have an account and you logged in before shopping, you can indeed place items in your cart to build an order and come back to it whenever you wish
Please keep in mind that placing an item in your cart DOES NOT commit our inventory to your order. When you check out after leaving items for a while you may see items have become no longer available.
Do you have a store I can shop at?
Unfortunately, our place is bursting at the seams as it is. Maybe one day we will have a retail location but for now we are 100% online.
Do I have to have an account to place an order?
You can place an order without an account if you wish. Simply use the guest check out. Having an account will allow us to notify you of stock updates, shipping details and any promotions you might want to take advantage of in the future. We are more able to assist you with any issues if you have an account.
How do I set up an account?
To purchase seed you simply need to fill in the information while checking out. This sets up your account in our system for any subsequent purchases. Please fill in an email address if you have one in order for our system to let you know when your order ships to you.
Our limitation of liability.
Our goal is to give you the best seed we can. Because growing our seeds is something that is completely out of our control (and sometimes yours) we must state that our liability if any, will be limited to the purchase price of the seed. We can not be held liable if your country refuses to forward your order from customs, we can not be responsible for any charges or taxes you may have to pay as a result of importing our seed. We can not be responsible for any losses incurred because the seed did not perform as expected, or for any losses in your business or contracts based on using our product.
Please check back from time to time as we do update this section regularly.