Dahlia Tuber Sale Frequently Asked Questions.

We have fielded many emails and phone calls about our Dahlia Tuber sale coming up Sunday, April 23rd 2023. We thought we would put together a reference sheet on how to be successful ordering your tubers online.  These tips will minimize the time it takes you to participate in the sale and hopefully get all the tubers you are searching for:

  1. Come prepared.  Knowing which varieties you are looking for and how many of each will play a big part in your success online. Our new for 2023 varieties will be updated by April 16th.
  2. We do not load any inventory until just prior to the time of the sale. The upload of inventory can take a few minutes, and proceeding to purchase before the upload is complete, will mean some tubers may not be available to you.  
  3. If you do not already have a free account at Stems, you should consider setting this up well before the middle of April.  Having an account lets you sign in, create a Wishlist that will save your tuber selections for you and makes checking out faster.  
  4. Once you have an account, use our Wishlist application to “shop” tubers ahead of the sale and to keep track while getting your list together.  You can email a copy of your Wishlist to yourself for quick reference, and even print this copy if it helps you stay organized.  Look for the button where it says Share your Wishlist.
  5. Items in your Wishlist can be added to a shopping cart ready for checkout, with a one click “Add to Cart” button found at the top of your list. A reminder, however, that only ONE tuber or seed pack of each variety will carry over to your cart from the Wishlist.  
  6. Consider using one of the pre-qualified payment processes like Shop Pay, Apple Pay or Google Pay which allows faster processing as it bypasses the portion of your checkout by prefilling your shipping and payment info.  Check to make sure your browser will fill in automatically, by trialing this payment service (without actually checking out) before the day of the sale. Double check that the information is correct.
  7. Inventory is only committed to you upon successful completion of checkout.  
  8. You can combine seed and tubers on an order, however they will ship with the tuber order in early to mid May.  Consider placing seeds as a separate order to avoid this if you want your seeds shipped right away. 
  9. Place multiple orders to avoid disappointment.  We will automatically combine your multiple orders for shipping purposes and refund your subsequent order shipping fees immediately after placing your order.   Any order that has not been fulfilled (you would have received a shipping notification) can have tubers and seeds added to it before shipping.  
  10. When we begin shipping tubers on May 1st.  However, in early May we go over our tubers one last time and might find we have more tubers than we thought.  We put them up for sale usually in mid May so don’t forget to add your email to our back in stock notification email list.  
  11. If you are not looking for any one special tuber, the Garden Collection of 5 tubers is a great way to build a garden or stock of your own dahlias.  The tubers are from our selection can even be from varieties we don't have listed due to low numbers.  You won't be disappointed.
  12. SHIPPING DATES:  We ship beginning May 1st !!

So there you have it.  These steps minimize your input on the day of the sale, if you set it up before mid April.  There is no better way to order your tubers.  As always we will be sitting in front of our computer leading up to the sale if you have any questions about any of this.

Email Support@stemsflowerfarm.ca if you have any questions. 

Unfortunately, due to import regulations of various countries, we do not ship our tubers outside of Canada.